Smart Meter Services

Revolutionize Gas Distribution with Our Smart Gas Meters and Comprehensive Tech Solution!

Smart Meter Services
Smart Meters Services

Smart Meter

Meter Survey App

As essential app for conducting survey of consumer before meter commissioning. It ensures correct location as well as verification of key communication data of the consumer. Last but not the least it also ensures correct picture of gas meter with index value for future O&M requirements.

Meter Commissioning App

During Meter Commissioning its important to note key data at that moment the gas flow is made to the burner.
Our Mobile app correctly captures all the required data and ensures the timeline is populated for the life cycle of the gas meter correctly.

Meter Reading App

Both AMR and Basic Meters require regular Walk-By / Drive-By modes of reading. Our Meter Reading App correctly identifies the reading MRO and ensures that reading is done 100% and in case of any issues monitors it for completion in each billing cycle.

Network Deployment App

Our Network Deployment and Monitoring app ensures that for any new deployment area how to survey and ensure reach of network. It also helps in augmenting network whenever there is an additional requirement for network reach or in emergency cases.

Self Recharge App

Self Recharge App provides gas consumers flexibility of recharge from the comfort of their home and the safety of their phone. The app adheres to the guidelines of the gas company and ensures all possible due payments while providing real time recharge functionality to the gas consumers.

POS App (Point of Sale App)

For consumers who do not own a Smart Phone, IGTL has a POS app which operates from a POS and provides all the functionality along with a receipt of the transaction done by gas consumer.

For Further details please Contact Us.